SMS: Service Management
One App for all types of customer service that never stops.
Customer Demo ServiceDesk Demo Agent Demo: TKT, FS, CB Manager Demo
HelpDesk Software
Help desk software is a centralized system that manages and tracks user inquiries, incidents, and service requests, facilitating efficient customer support and issue resolution.
For Customer For ServiceDesk For Agent/Technician For Manager
Manage tickets and everything else in one place Create DCM Dynamic Case for each ticket with assign to mutiple departments Empower every agent to delight every customer. Set up Desk to fit your team perfectly as per skills. Get actionable insights into your team's performance through reports and dashboards.
Alternatives: ZohoDesk, FreshDesk, ZenDesk, HappyFox, Jira
FieldService Software
Field service software is a digital solution designed to manage, coordinate, and optimize the operations of field service Agents, workers and technicians. It provides Seamless field operations. Memorable service experiences.
For Customer For ServiceDesk For Agent/Technician For Manager
Gets timely service. Gets Service Reports on job completion and feedback form,job ratings, and signatures. Simplify work order management by streamlining the process from getting requests and sending estimates to scheduling service appointments. Help them manage appointments and navigate to the job site. Enable raising invoices and receive payments on the go. Sent Timely update. Update Inventory. Do Travel Claims and settle accounts. Monitor travel time and timesheets and get notes and photos as they work. Use scheduled maintenance to set up recurring work orders and service appointments to create periodic maintenance plans.
Alternatives: ZohoFSM, Jobber, ServiceTitan, ServiceNow, Housecall Pro, D365 Service
Chatbot Software
Chatbot software for service is an automated messaging solution that uses artificial intelligence to simulate human-like interactions and provide customer support. It also connects to Chat with Live Agent on request.
For Customer For ServiceDesk For Agent/Technician For Manager
Can enter service request via chat Helps to auto allocate Agent or Technician via chat Helps you keep connected to your customer 24x7 It promotes proactive customer engagement and good feel.
Alternatives: ZohoSalesIQ, Krista, LivePerson, Drift, Intercom, Hubspot, Dialogflow, Aivo, Tidio, Chatfuel, ManyChat
KnowledgeBase Software
A knowledge management system is a system that is designed to facilitate sharing and integrating knowledge. It acts as a storehouse to collect, organize, analyze, and re-use knowledge that would otherwise be scattered across the organization.
For Customer For ServiceDesk For Agent/Technician For Manager
Availability 24x7 Reduced ticket volume Educated Customer Lowered support costs
Training Material Optimized service Asks only smart questions Increased customer retention
Improved CX Improved productivity Reduces convincing time Positive recommendations
Alternatives: Notion, Guru, Clickup, MaintainX, Confluence, Opentext